Mods for rome total war
Mods for rome total war

We’ve put together a list of the best and most essential Total War games, from Shogun to Three Kingdoms to the fantasy foray that is Warhammer. If you’ve ever been curious about this mainstay of PC gaming, look no further. There have been 14 games in that timeframe – not counting the Mobile Spinoffs or the canceled and underrated Total War: Arena. That’s longer than iPhones, broadband, and most memes. So getting back to the thread title, does anyone know a mod where they've fixed this sort of thing? Or at least where diplomacy makes one tiny bit of sense?So, you want the best Total War game? Shogun: Total War was released in June 2000, which means the venerable series of strategies have been around for over 20 years now. I've accepted numerous demands from other powers to become a protectorate, and they always still attack- usually on the same turn or the one right after. The one whose mighty walls we're still hosing their blood off of.Īnd it's not just them, either. And what did they do the very same turn? They sent out another army and laid siege to the same city they attacked a turn or two ago. I want to spend some cash on other things besides retraining soldiers. I finally just got fed up with the whole thing and agreed. I mean, the Armenians' male population must be half of what it was ten years ago by now, but despite repeated total devastation of their armies, their multi-star generals and family members, they persist in launching themselves at Pontic cities, hurling themselves on our spearpoints and throwing themselves beneath the wheels of our scythed chariots.Īnd they have the temerity to (repeatedly) demand that Pontos become a protectorate of theirs. But no matter how many times the enemy is crushed, no matter how devastating the loss, no one will agree to a ceasefire. I can't remember the number of Heroic Victories we've won.

mods for rome total war

As long as they've been attacking us, we've been dispatching them handily. But currently, we're fighting off three neighboring powers- Macedon, the Seleucid Empire, and the Armenians.

mods for rome total war

We're a small Hellenistic kingdom on the Black Sea. I'm playing R:TW with the Total Realism mod.

Mods for rome total war